INES was founded in 2019 as an independent Service Institute for ecological studies and expert reports. Our expertise includes the planning and implementation of scientific expeditions and studies, conducting tools for biological sampling as well as assisting expeditions and scientists of national and international Institutions. INES has currently three employees, specialized in the field of marine deep-sea biology.
The current focus of our activities includes amongst others:
- Molecular and morphological biodiversity assessment of the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone (CCFZ) and the Central Indian Ridge
- NGS Methods
- Connectivity studies of selected species at hydrothermal vent fields
- 3D reconstructions of the seafloor for ecological habitat mapping
- Photograph- and Video imagery annotations for biodiversity assessments
- Monitoring of the CCFZ and the Central Indian Ridge regions
- Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM)
- Ecological community studies and spatial distribution patterns
- Functional ecology of abyssal deep-sea plains and hydrothermal vent fields
Prof. Dr. Pedro Martinez Arbizu
Managing Director

Founder of INES and Head of DZMB – Senckenberg in Wilhelmshaven.
Scientific Expertise
- Regional surveys and characterization of communities
- Habitat mapping and modelling
- Photograph- and Video imagery analysis
- Statistical Analysis
- DNA-barcoding
- NGS – Next generation Sequencing
- Population genetics
- Taxonomy
- Harpacticoid Copepods
- Food Web Analysis
Dr. Terue C. Kihara
Research Associate

Scientific Expertise
- Identification of deep-sea meio-, macro-, and megafauna in hydrothermal systems
- DNA-barcoding
- NGS – Next generation Sequencing
- Population genetics
- Taxonomy
- Harpacticoid Copepods
- CLSM – Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy
- Food Web Analysis
Dr. Klaas Meyn
Research Associate

Klaas is a marine biologist with a background in benthic communities and statistical interpretation and experience in benthic habitat mapping and modeling.
Scientific Expertise
- Identification of deep-sea megafauna in hydrothermal systems
- Regional surveys and characterization of communities
- Habitat mapping
- Ecological analysis and habitat modelling
- Photograph- and Video imagery analysis
- Minimal invasive Monitoring methods
- Statistical Analysis
- Functional Trait Analysis