Vita und wissenschaftliche Arbeit von Dr. Klaas Meyn
Scientific Publications:
Gerdes, K., Martìnez Arbizu, P., Gooday, A. J., Kuhn, T., Kihara, T. C., 2021. Discovery of Paleodictyon in the Indian Ocean. Marine Biodiversity,
Gerdes, K., Kihara, T. C., Martìnez Arbizu, P., Kuhn, T., Schwarz-Schampera, U., Mah, C. L., Norenburg, J. L., Linley, T. D., Shalaeva, K., Macpherson, E., Gordon, D., Stöhr, S., Messing, C. G., Bober, S., Guggolz, T., Christodoulou, M., Gebruk, A., Kremenetskaia, A., Kroh, A., Sanamyan, K., Bolstad, K., Hoffman, L., Gooday, A. J., Molodtsova, T., 2021. Megafauna of the German exploration license area for seafloor massive sulphides along the Central and South East Indian Ridge (Indian Ocean). Biodiversity Data Journal,
Thiel, R., Knebelsberger, T., Kihara, T., Gerdes, K., 2021. Description of a new eelpout Pachycara angeloisp. nov. (Perciformes: Zoarcidae) from deep-sea hydrothermal vent fields in the Indian Ocean. Zootaxa,
Conferences and Workshops:
Gerdes, K., Martìnez Arbizu, P., Kihara, T. C.: Benthic Megafauna Diversity in the German License Area for Marine Massive Sulfides. Oral presentation at the MSMNE (Massive Sulfide and Manganese Nodule Exploration and Environmental Studies) Symposium 2017 (23.-24.05.2019) Hannover, Germany.
Gerdes, K., Martìnez Arbizu, P., Schwarz-Schampera, U., Schwentner, M., Kihara, T.C.: Faunal Microdistribution of a Hydrothermal Vent Field: A 3D Reconstruction Approach. Oral presentation at the 15thDeep-Sea Biology Symposium (10.-14.09.2018) Monterey Bay, California, United States of America.
Gerdes, K., Martìnez Arbizu, P., Schwarz-Schampera, U., Schwentner, M. and Kihara, T. C.: Predicting Faunal Assemblages Based on High-Resolution 3D Reconstructions. Oral presentation at the MSMNE (Massive Sulfide and Manganese Nodule Exploration and Environmental Studies) Symposium 2017 (03.05.2018) Hannover, Germany.
Gerdes, K., Martìnez Arbizu, P., Schwarz-Schampera, U., Schwentner, M. and Kihara, T. C.: Faunal Microdistribution of the hydrothermal vent field Pelagia: A 3D reconstruction approach. Oral presentation at the MSMNE (Massive Sulfide and Manganese Nodule Exploration and Environmental Studies) Symposium 2017 (07.06.2017) Hannover, Germany.
Gerdes K., Martinez Arbizu P., Brandt A., Kihara T.C.: Visualization tools or analyticial instruments? Combining image annotations and photogrammetry to reconstruct a chimney complex within the newly discovered Pelagia hydrothermal vent field. Poster presentation at the Marine Imaging Workshop 2017 (20.-24.02.2017) Kiel, Germany.
Gerdes K., Martinez Arbizu P., Freitag R., Kuhn T., Schwarz-Schampera U., Brandt A., Kihara T.C.: Deep Sea benthic megafauna of the southern Central Indian Ridge: The community structure of active and inactive hydrothermal vent fields and its surrounding non-vent area based on video imagery and photographs. Poster presentation during the 14th Deep-Sea Biology Symposium (31.08.-04.09.2015) Aveiro, Portugal.
Segelken-Voigt A., Gerdes K., Martinez Arbizu P., Wehrmann A., Glatzel T.: Nocturnal and diurnal emergence and recolonization of harpacticoid copepods in an intertidal sandflat of the Island of Wangerooge (southern North Sea). Poster presentation at YOUMARES 3 (12.-14.09.2012) Lübeck, Germany.
- FS Pelagia Erkundung von Massiv Sulfiden im Indischen Ozean – INDEX 2022
- FS Pelagia Erkundung von Massiv Sulfiden im Indischen Ozean – INDEX 2021
- Erkundung von Massiv Sulfiden im Indischen Ozean – INDEX 2019
- FS Pelagia FS Pelagia Erkundung von Massiv Sulfiden im Indischen Ozean – INDEX 2018
- FS Sonne TFS Sonne Erkundung von Massiv Sulfiden im Indischen Ozean – INDEX 2017
- FS Maria S. Merian Erkundung von Massiv Sulfiden im Indischen Ozean – INDEX 2016_2
- FS ?Porquouis pas? Erkundung von Massiv Sulfiden im Indischen Ozean – INDEX 2016_1
- FS Pelagia Erkundung von Massiv Sulfiden im Indischen Ozean – INDEX 2015
- FS Sonne Erkundung von Massiv Sulfiden im Indischen Ozean – INDEX 2013
- FFS Solea (Reise 665) Monitoring der Bodenfischfauna in der deutschen EEZ der Nordsee
- FFS Walther Herwig III (Reise 356) IBTS (International Bottom Trawl Survey) und GSBTS (German Small-Scale Bottom Trawl Survey)
- FFS Walther Herwig III (Reise 353/ 2ter Fahrtabschnitt) Hydroakustische Aufnahmen zum Ermitteln der pelagischen Fisch Verteilung in SD 22 und SD 24nd Leg) – Hydroacoustic recording of pelagic fish distribution in SD 22 south and SD 24
seit 2022
Projekt Manager bei Seafields - Wissenschaftliche Projektplanung, Koordination, Umsetzung und Beratung
since 2019
Research Assistant at INES Integrated Environmental Solutions UG – Ecological characterization, public relations work, consulting, scientific research and publications
PhD Student, German Center for Marine Biodiversity Research (DZMB) within the “INDEX“ project (Indian Ocean)
Master of Science in Biology at the Carl-von-Ossietzky University, Oldenburg
- INDEX 2013 – Indian Ocean Exploration for Seafloor Massive Sulphides – Sailing and analyzing data within the INDEX Project
- MarBEF – Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning Project – Morphological identification and biomass
- Monitoring benthopelagic Fishfauna – Benthos- and Fisheries Biologist on “FRV Solea”
- SFB/TRR31 – The active auditory system – Responsible for sustenance and care of experimental animals 2
Bachelor of Science in Biology at the Carl-von-Ossietzky University, Oldenburg